How To Ensure A Strong Character in Your Film

We know that good stories are heavily dependent on the characters in them. 

If we can relate and emotionally connect to the characters in a story, we root for them to achieve what they want/need.

And that’s the key: the character needs to have a main need or desire.

For instance, in Lord of the Rings (hopefully you know the story and have seen the films!), Frodo's main desire is to accomplish his quest. He wants to get the ring to Mordor and destroy it and be done. 

And that desire is what launches him into a (literal) journey that we want to follow. We root for Frodo and want him to finish his quest. 

This applies to every great story, even commercials can have characters with a main desire. Pharmaceutical commercials have old people whose main desire is to be healthy and freely enjoy time with their family… (and that's an example from my least favorite type of commercial!)

The point is, a strong character needs to have a main desire or goal, that launches them into a journey trying to achieve that want, and pulling the viewers along to root for them.

Another example: 

In my latest project (the one I mentioned earlier), Robert had a very clear desire even if he didn't specifically say the words. He wanted to be loved and valued as a human being. That's reflected in his experience with his father.

That desire to feel valued launched him into a journey in his life where he kept trying to find that, and if you want to know what happens, you should watch it. ;) 

So no matter how long/short your story is. If you really want people to connect and root for your character, make sure you establish what their desire is early on in the story.


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