Being The Target of a Spiritual Attack

I’m a little surprised at myself because I didn’t think I’d share this aspect of filming testimonies.

Reason being… it’s not really about the story aspect, it’s about the spiritual aspect.

Several years ago when I first started doing video work in ministry, I remember being warned to keep praying a lot especially during certain seasons or projects because I would probably “be attacked by the enemy.” I was kind of skeptical even though I very much believed in the spiritual world. I guess I thought I wasn’t important enough to be the target of the devil.

Now that I look back on many years of working on projects for the Kingdom of God and in ministry, I see a very clear pattern.

At first I did notice that people who were sharing their testimonies ended up being attacked- if they had a healing testimony, they’d all of a sudden start feeling pain in the wrist that had been healed… their marriages would struggle, they’d have sickness fall on their family… all sorts of things that would induce fear and doubt.

A lot of times people would end up backing out before we could film their story.

But then something happened to me that made me really wake up to the spiritual war on sharing testimonies.

I was editing a short documentary for Project Rescue, a nonprofit and ministry that rescues and restores women/children from sex trafficking. I remember the interview with Beth where she was talking about when their ministry was just being born how and older and wiser colleague advised them to be warned- when “anyone touched this area of darkness… all hell broke loose”

She even told some examples of things that happened to them that was clearly attacks of the devil and some strong spiritual warfare going on.

So during the time I was editing this project, my husband and I were on a road trip and I had my laptop with me to work on the project. We were getting back on the highway after a quick stop and I took out my laptop with the intent of doing some more editing.

We’re on the on-ramp and before I realize what’s going on, we get hit on the side by a semi truck on the left that squished us into the cement barricade on the right and dragged us along the barrier for several feet. It felt like forever until we stopped just one foot from a cement barrier in front of us.

The car was totaled, and it was a miracle we didn’t get hurt at all. But in that moment I thought about what Beth had said, and I realized that I wasn’t exempt from the attack of the enemy.

I’ve done lots of testimonies since then, and there’s always some sort of spiritual attack on me and the people sharing. Probably on others I’m not even aware of.

I’m not trying to say this to scare you. It’s good to be aware and watchful, but my biggest takeaway from being a target is that:

If the devil feels so threatened by me that he’s trying to hurt me (or take me out completely), I must be doing something worthy, something for the Kingdom of God- and that means it’s worth it- that means I’m fulfilling my purpose.

Maybe you've had experiences like this, or maybe this story brings things to mind where you're realizing those things could've been attacks- or maybe you have yet to experience it. 

Again, it's not to induce fear, but to be aware of the war happening and to cover everything in prayer. Your interviewee, their family, the whole team, yourself, the project as a whole... And be encouraged that you're doing mighty work for the Kingdom of God, and that's incredible. :)


This Is Why Stories Matter


4 Ways to Become a Better Listener (For Video Interviews)