Film: Covid’s Silver Lining


Project Rescue, an international nonprofit organization that rescues and restores women and children from human sex trafficking, needed to produce this story of what they experienced during the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic.



Project Rescue had this amazing story of a silver lining that happened during Covid-19, and because they work internationally in several sensitive areas, we needed to approach this film with creativity to keep their staff, survivors, and locations safe and undisclosed.



Our goal was to tell this exceptional story within 5-6 minutes, working to create a visually-compelling film with limited resources while unable to travel to film additional footage.

We achieved this by using a combination of office interviews and b-roll, footage from past projects, pictures, and stock footage.

To create an emotional connection with the audience, we focused on Jonathan Barratt (Executive Director of Project Rescue Foundation) as the main character and interviewed him sharing his journey battling the big unknowns of Covid-19’s effect on Project Rescue.



The film is in its initial stages of rollout, but has already been a part of a very successful seven-figure fundraising event! We’ll continue to measure results throughout 2021.


3 Things To Know before you start shooting


Film: Redeeming the Darkness